The Torre di MaurizioA clock tower next to the Orvieto Duomo built in 1347 to provide time for the shifts of workers building the duomo. The figure shown there is 1.7 meters tall (nearly 6 feet).
Orvieto Duomo three-quarters viewThe Sienese style architecture is shown in this view of Orvieto, Italy's Duomo
Full SIde View of the Orvieto DuomoDark grey and while marble layers indicate teh Siennese style of architecture for the Orvieto, Italy Duomo.
The Roman Forum Looking NorthwestThe jumble of buildings that is Rome, Italy's Roman Forum.
Colosseum's North SideRome Italy's Colosseum's northwest side with butressing shoring up the outer ring.
Rome Italy Santa Prassede Interior HDRThe interior of Rome Italy's Snta Prassede Church founded in the 5th century with mosaics from the 9th century.
The Colosseum at nightRome, Italy's Colosseum at night. Built by Vespasian and dedicated in 80 AD, the Colosseum has been a symbol of Rome for 2 000 years. Gladiators fought animals and themselves, sometimes to the death, for over 300 years in this arena.
Santa Maria Maggiore (St Mary Major)One of the four Papal basilicas in Rome, Santa Maria Maggiore (St Mary Major) was built in the 3rd century AD. Its ceiling is covered with gold brought back from the New World.
Rome Italy Colosseum Interior PanoramaRome, Italy's Colosseum interior panorama. Built by Vespasian and dedicated in 80 AD, the Colosseum has been a symbol of Rome for 2 000 years. Gladiators fought animals and themselves, sometimes to the death, for over 300 years in this arena.
Rome Italy Santa Sabina all'AventinoInterior of Sant aSabina all'Aventino in Rome, Italy.