Colosseum's North SideRome Italy's Colosseum's northwest side with butressing shoring up the outer ring.
Fountain Detail Piazza NavonaA detail of the Fountain of the Moors in Rome, Italy's Piazza Navona
Fra Angelico San Brizio Chapel "Christ in Judgement"Fra Angelico's ceiling frescoe "Christ in Judgement" in the San Brizio Chapel in the Orvieto, Italy Duomo.
Full SIde View of the Orvieto DuomoDark grey and while marble layers indicate teh Siennese style of architecture for the Orvieto, Italy Duomo.
Impression: St Peter'sImpressionistic image of the baldocchino in St Peter's
Interior of St Peter'sThe interior of Rome's St Peter's (San Pietro in Vaticano)
Left wall of San Brizio ChapelThe frescoed walls (Signorelli) and ceiling (Fra Angelico) of San Brizio's Chapel in the Orvieto Duomo
Orvieto DuomoThe Duomo of Orvieto, Umbria, Italy
Orvieto Duomo OrganHuge organ dating from the 14th century containing 5582 pipes in the Orvieto Duomo.
Orvieto Duomo three-quarters viewThe Sienese style architecture is shown in this view of Orvieto, Italy's Duomo
Piazza Navona Sights - Santa Agnese in Agone and Fountain of theThe sights of Roe, Italy's Piazza Navona - Santa Agnese in Agone and the fountain of the Moors
Right wall of San Brizio Chapel FrescoesThe frescoed walls (Signorelli) and ceiling (Fra Angelico) of San Brizio's Chapel in the Orvieto Duomo